Re: jaxws api version needs to be 2.1 not 2.0

From: Sahoo <Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 23:54:17 +0530

I don't know what is the use of version defined in v3/pom.xml.
javax.javaee-10.0-SNAPSHOT.jar is built out of javaee-api module. So,
you need to change v3/javaee-api/pom.xml. Then you need to build it
separately before building the web distribution.
There is a P2 bug currently filed to build this module in hudson and
push the binary.


Bhakti Mehta wrote:
> Hi,
> We got this P1
> where they
> are trying to build the war using webservices-*-1.2-SNAPSHOT.jar and
> all other jars from web/glassfish/modules ( like we would do in v2
> point to the lib folder of GF)
> I see 2 places where I will need to modify jaxws.api version to 2.1
> from 2.0
> v3/pom.xml
> v3/javaee-api/pom.xml
> However if I try to build with this change and then unzip the web
> distribution and try to build the app with the jars from modules I run
> into this error as mentioned in bug report
> "You are loading JAX-WS 2.0 API from
> jar:file:/c:/v3/webjax21/glassfish/modules/javax.javaee-10.0-SNAPSHOT.jar!/javax/xml/ws/Service.class
> but this tool require JAX-WS 2.1 API."
> What additional change do I need to verify this works. Does this need
> to be pushed to maven repository first?
> Pls can you let me know
> Thanks,
> Bhakti