V2 ur1 create domain crashes the JVM on Indiana opensolaris

From: Ludovic Champenois <Ludovic.Champenois_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 21:45:26 -0700

GlassFish V2 ur1 (zip installation) create domain crashes the JVM on
Indiana rc0 opensolaris

see the error, and log file:

    [exec] Using port 4848 for Admin.
    [exec] Using port 8080 for HTTP Instance.
    [exec] Using port 7676 for JMS.
    [exec] Using port 3700 for IIOP.
    [exec] Using port 8181 for HTTP_SSL.
    [exec] Using default port 3820 for IIOP_SSL.
    [exec] Using default port 3920 for IIOP_MUTUALAUTH.
    [exec] Using default port 8686 for JMX_ADMIN.
    [exec] Domain being created with profile:developer, as specified by
variable AS_ADMIN_PROFILE in configuration file.
    [exec] Security Store uses: JKS
    [exec] #
    [exec] # An unexpected error has been detected by Java Runtime
    [exec] #
    [exec] # SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x0806d190, pid=7978, tid=2
    [exec] #
    [exec] # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (10.0-b19 mixed mode
    [exec] # Problematic frame:
    [exec] # C 0x0806d190
    [exec] #
    [exec] # An error report file with more information is saved as:
    [exec] # /export/home/ludo/Desktop/glassfish/hs_err_pid7978.log
    [exec] #
    [exec] # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
    [exec] #
    [exec] #
    [exec] [exec] CLI130 Could not create domain, domain1

Is it a known issue?
