getPasswordAuthentication Not Called on AIX

From: Martin, Larry <>
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2008 08:17:53 -0600

I am trying to get JAX-WS working on an AIX box. I am fine on
Windows...although the code uses my credentials rather than calling the
Authenticator since there is no request from the server. On AIX I get a
401 when trying to get the WSDL file even though I created a new
Authenticator and set it as default. The problem is that
getPasswordAuthentication is never called.
I have looked everywhere on the web and everyone says things work just
fine but I cannot get the method called.
Is there any additional source for help?

Larry J. Martin
Global Enterprise Application Integration
Office 918-661-4208
ETN 661-4208
Blackberry 918-841-2743
Cell 405-514-6556