Re: [v3] application information registered in domain.xml now

From: Hong Zhang <Hong.Zhang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 14:28:48 -0500

Hi, Pramod
  I think I know why now. While the context root attribute is always
present for a standalone web module, it is not present for a rails app
(and other module types). The context root attribute in the
"application" element is optional. I have updated the
ApplicationLoaderService to only set context root information in
deployment params when it's present in the "application" element in
domain.xml. Please bring over the latest version of
ApplicationLoaderService and let me know if you still see any problem.


- Hong

Pramod Gopinath wrote:

> Hi Hong
> I saw Ur checkin related to the deployment information for an
> application being registered to the domain.xml. I am using the code
> bits that have been checked out today morning.
> Not sure if U mentioned this but wanted to point one issue that I am
> running into w.r.t contextroot specified on the asadmin deploy
> command. This is not being saved into the domain.xml and hence the
> server is brought down and up, get this exception stack trace :
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> at java.util.Hashtable.put(
> at java.util.Properties.setProperty(
> at
> at
> at
> at
> com.sun.hk2.component.AbstractWombImpl.inject(
> at
> com.sun.hk2.component.ConstructorWomb.initialize(
> at
> com.sun.hk2.component.AbstractWombImpl.get(
> at
> com.sun.hk2.component.SingletonInhabitant.get(
> at
> com.sun.hk2.component.LazyInhabitant.get(
> at
> com.sun.hk2.component.AbstractInhabitantImpl.get(
> at
> at com.sun.enterprise.module.bootstrap.Main.launch(
> at com.sun.enterprise.module.bootstrap.Main.launch(
> at com.sun.enterprise.module.bootstrap.Main.start(
> at com.sun.enterprise.module.bootstrap.Main$
> For now I am able to work around it, by adding this entry
> "--context-root = "/xxxx" to the entry :
> <application directory-deployed="true" object-type="user"
> enabled="true"
> location="file:/Users/pramodgopinath/work_related/jruby_samples/rails1.x/hello/"
> name="hello">
> in the domain.xml,
> Thanks
> Pramod
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