Re: spec for REST api for v3?

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2008 10:55:55 +0100

Jerome Dochez wrote:
>> IMHO i think it possible to create a nice RESTful API that is easy to
>> use by both machines and browsers. We could even create some WADL for
>> it and transform that to some nice documentation [1].
> umh, well I still prefer using the annotated command on the server side
> which contains the list of options and things like that to create the
> documentation, we can also generate the localized doc automatically...

OK. Potentially you could generate localized WADL and use a stylesheets.
But it may well be more work than you have time for :-) but i thought it
may be helpful/informative to expand on what i said above about
"machines and browsers":

Some (at Yahoo) have found that WADL is useful as a guide for specifying
and documenting RESTful Web services in a consistent manner (helps one
think URIs, HTTP methods, media types, resources relationships in
addition to help providing a familiar look and feel to consumers).

It usefully combines human documentation with a formal description. This
means others may be able to consume the WADL if you serve it up as part
of the RESTful API. The documentation, human, in multiple languages, or
machine processable, can be part of the service.


| ? + ? = To question
    Paul Sandoz