Potential Memory Leak in Glassfish?

From: William Fretts-Saxton <William.Fretts.Saxton_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2008 13:53:17 -0500

Hi all,

   I'm using Glassfish (build b09d-fcs) and am having several issues
that haven't been addressed on the user alias/forums yet so I'm posting
here. Since I am a Sun employee, I can give a developer access to the
server, EJB code, etc, if this would be helpful.

   I'm deploying a stateless EJB, which is being accessed by a 1,000+
clients every 5 minutes or so. Here are my issues:

1) As I start up the clients, "top" reports an increase in memory usage
until it consumes all of the systems memory (8 GB), yet the glassfish
java process is only consuming about 500 MB. If I stop glassfish, 500
MB of memory seems to be released, but the rest of it (7+ GB) is still
used, with no process shown to be using it.

2) At a certain number of clients started up (hard to tell, but it's
close to 1k clients), I receive tons of the following 2 messages in the


   This is my first attempt to use an application server with EJBs, so I
may be the culprit here, but the client/server code is pretty simple so
I can't see what the issue is. Also, please let me know if there is a
more appropriate avenue to address this issue.
