Re: Non-JMS MDB needs JMS?

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2008 12:17:24 -0800

Markus KARG wrote:
> Bill and Frank,
>>> You need to use a Glassfish specific deployment descriptor
>>> (sun-ejb-jar.xml)
>>> that will tell Glassfish to which resource adapter to bind your MDB. The
>>> parameter is called MID and is equal to the name of the resource
>>> adapter as
>>> it shows up in the glassfish console.
>> Isn't there enough information for GlassFish to match the resource
>> adapter
>> with the MDB without that deployment descriptor? I would think the
>> interface
>> implemented by the MDB could be matched with the interfaces supported
>> by the
>> resource adapter. What additional information is needed? (Obviously
>> if more than one resource adapter supported the same interface,
>> you would have to do something to resolve the ambiguity.)
> I completely agree with Bill. As you might expect, my intention is not
> only to get my MDB to work, but in the second level to discuss the still
> needed vendor specific stuff. Actually I have exactly the same opinion
> as Bill: As long as on my GF instance there is nothing running but
> solely my RA and MDB, and since the MDB implements the only interface
> that is declared by the RA, the current situation is absolutely
> unambiguous. The target of EJB 3 was "convention over configuration", so
> the reference implementation should not force people to provide
> information if not absolutely needed. I agree that there could be
> situations where there is no other choice, like having two RAs exporting
> the same interface. But in my particular situation that is not the case,
> so GF should be able to work without that vendor specific DD.

I agree. And if we need additional annotations to handle the other cases,
that would be a good thing for the JSR-322 Connector expert group to