Re: Glassfish/Orb Errors

From: Ron Monzillo <Ronald.Monzillo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 17:11:48 -0500

William Fretts-Saxton wrote:
> Hi all,
> I posted this on the users alias but nothing suggested has helped so
> far, so I'm posting here. I figured this would be better than opening a
> bug in case it was something wrong on my end...
> I have an EJB deployed on Glassfish (9.1_01) that is being accessed
> by some clients. The clients send an object to the EJB and the EJB
> extracts data from it and writes it to about 20 separate files, local to
> the application server, for each client.
> When I get up to around 700 clients, I start getting tons of
> Exceptions in the server.log (see attached). I don't see any unusually
> high load on the CPU, memory usage, disk IO, beans in the bean pool, ORB
> connections, or anything. In addition, I don't see any thread waits or
> EJB method execution errors. So I can't see ANY resource bottlenecks
> that would cause this.
> I should note that there are only about 50 clients that connect @ once
> and about 100 beans in the bean pool @ one time so not all the clients
> are connecting @ once.
> I've also attached a trace of the glassfish process, but not being a
> proc-trace guru I don't know if this would be helpful.
> I've spent over a week troubleshooting this issue and I would greatly
> appreciate some help. I can give any/all access to the application
> server, EJB code, and client code if necessary since I'm internal to Sun.
> Thanks in advance.
> -Bill
> PS I'm aware that EJBs, according to spec, should not be using
> libraries, but there aren't a lot of files being open/closed @ once so
> this shouldn't be an issue.
> PPS I actually ran the application server, in Netbeans, with the
> Netbeans profiler to see if I could find anything there and the errors
> never even occurred!..very strange.
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