NetBeans IDE 6.0 with GlassFish V2 Java EE available

From: Ludovic Champenois <Ludovic.Champenois_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2007 19:35:42 -0800


NetBeans IDE 6.0 with GlassFish V2 bundled is now available!
You can download it now at

For more information about NetBeans IDE 6.0:

    * NetBeans IDE 6.0 Release Page
    * NetBeans IDE 6.0 Tutorials and Documentation (Including Java EE 5
Support, Metro Support,...)
    * NetBeans IDE 6.0 Detailed Feature List

And for early users of GlassFish V3, a V3 plugin is available in the
NetBeans 6.0 Update Center Beta...
Also try the REST Web Services module on the Update Center:

Finally, the jMaki Ajax framework module is also available via the
NetBeans Update Center. It works with NetBeans Ruby Projects, NetBeans
PHP projects and NetBeans Web Applications with JSPs or JSF pages.

Give it a try, use it and let us know your developer experience...

Happy coding,
