Re: [V3] Plan for common code ...

From: Lloyd L Chambers <Lloyd.Chambers_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2007 12:26:25 -0800

To some extent, the (public and supported) AMX APIs solve this issue;
utility code there is accessible to client and server code.

Code is found in* packages.

The code there is of general purpose use; I see two classifications
(at least) of utility code:
1) code useful any almost any kind of application
2) code that assumes an particular environment eg GlassFish
3) code that assumes both a particular environment and is module/area

Of the above, (1) is most useful, with (2) following close behind.


On Dec 5, 2007, at 1:35 PM, Kedar Mhaswade wrote:

> What is our plan for code of common utility, e.g.
> - Internationalized strings
> - Logging
> - I/O processing
> ...
> in all of the contributing V3 projects (e.g. hk2, v3 ...)?
> If the following pattern continues, we might soon get overwhelmed ...
> void m(int i) {
> //bunch of logic
> else throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Operation not
> supported for: " + i);
> Is something like gf-commons in the plan? Is there value in doing it?
> I know that writing such a code has multiple implications, but it
> is very
> useful and minimizes repetition.
> Regards,
> Kedar
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Lloyd L Chambers
Sun Microsystems, Inc