Re: Cause of RollbackException in transaction

From: sankara rao bhogi <Sankara.Rao_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2007 21:36:19 +0530

Dragan Ljubojevic wrote:
> Why J2EETransaction.commit() implementation ignores cause of
> RollbackException? And why javax.transaction.RollbackException does not define/implement
> constructor RollbackException(String message, Throwable throwable);
> Current implementation of commit method catches
> RuntimeException, calls setRollbackOnly() and throws RollbackException with
> string key only(without cause).
> Will you break J2EE specification or lose some of
> distribution transaction features if you expand RollbackException class with
> new constructor and throw such constructed exception in commit() method?
> If
> not, can we expect such implementation in some of the future releases?
> Cause exception (i.e. SQLException ) can be useful in
> providing appropriate validation messages to web service clients. In this way
> we can put some input data validation on database back.

Please fine an issue.

> Regards
> Dragan
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