Re: "Unknown abstract schema type" while accessing PU

From: Arun Gupta <Arun.Gupta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 19:02:34 -0700

I figured out the solution but would still like to know the answer to my
other email.


Marina Vatkina wrote:
> I think that when you use Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(), you
> must list your entities in the persistence.xml as it's considered to be
> a Java SE environment.
> thanks,
> -marina
> Arun Gupta wrote:
>> In NB 5.5.1, I created a Persistence Unit for a pre-configured
>> jdbc/sample database. Then I created an Entity Class from this PU to
>> generate a dynamic page. The page content looks like:
>> -- cut here --
>> EntityManagerFactory emf =
>> Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("jmaki-jpa4PU");
>> EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
>> List<Customer> list = em.createQuery("select c from Customer
>> c").getResultList();
>> -- cut here --
>> The persistence.xml looks like:
>> -- cut here --
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <persistence version="1.0"
>> xmlns=""
>> xmlns:xsi=""
>> xsi:schemaLocation="
>> <persistence-unit name="jmaki-jpa4PU"
>> transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
>> <non-jta-data-source>jdbc/sample</non-jta-data-source>
>> <properties/>
>> </persistence-unit>
>> </persistence>
>> -- cut here --
>> And here is the error that I'm getting while accessing this page:
>> -- cut here --
>> Exception [TOPLINK-8034] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2.0 (Build
>> b58-rc1 (08/04/2007))):
>> oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.EJBQLException
>> Exception Description: Error compiling the query [select c from
>> Customer c]. Unknown abstract schema type [Customer].
>> -- cut here --
>> Most of the stuff is generated for me (database, persistence.xml, PU,
>> entity class) and I'm still seeing this error. I verified the table
>> contains appropriate data.
>> What can cause this ?
>> Thanks,
>> -Arun
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