Re: Sample from Jmservice

From: Sreenivas Munnangi <Sreenivas.Munnangi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2007 21:48:34 -0700

liao wrote:

> Hi,Sreeni,
> You hope me to make a proposal for GlassFish ?

I didn't quite understand your previous message and I thought you are
interested in contributijng a sample on JMS.

Could you pl. clarify the intent of your original email ?

> Chris Liao
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Sreenivas Munnangi <mailto:Sreenivas.Munnangi_at_Sun.COM>
> To: <>
> Cc: <>
> Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2007 1:18 AM
> Subject: Re: Sample from Jmservice
> Liao,
> Thanks for thinking about GlassFish Samples.
> Your intent seems to be adding a sample on JMS to
> glassfish-samples project, if not please correct me.
> The code you attached seems to be just fragments. To proceed,
> please send us a proposal, briefly describing the sample and if
> available, the complete code.
> thanks
> sreeni
> liao wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am sorry to bother you. The following samples from Jminare
>> feasibility ?It can simplify our workload ?
>> Would you help me at this? Thanks!
>> Jmservice的服务器端的Sample
>> 第一步:编写服务类文件:
>> /*
>> *Copyright (c) jmin Organization. All rights reserved.
>> */
>> package first;
>> import org.jmin.kernel.framework.ext.J2eeAbstractService;
>> /**
>> * service sample.
>> *
>> * @author Chris liao
>> * @version 1.0
>> */
>> public class FirstService extends J2eeAbstractService{
>> /**
>> * Here, you need't put down anything.
>> * It is simple ?
>> */
>> }
>> 第二步:编写服务方面类(以下方面类为可选的)
>> 1:编写RPC的sample类:
>> /*
>> *Copyright (c) jmin Organization. All rights reserved.
>> */
>> package first;
>> import org.jmin.kernel.aspect.msg.rpc.InvocationAssistant;
>> /**
>> * RPC sample
>> *
>> * @author Chris liao
>> * @version 1.0
>> */
>> public class HelloRPCAssistant implements InvocationAssistant{
>> /**
>> * RPC method
>> * @RPC
>> */
>> public void hello(){
>> System.out.println("Hello World!");
>> }
>> /**
>> * RPC method
>> * @RPC
>> */
>> public void hello(String name){
>> System.out.println("Hello," + name);
>> }
>> }
>> 2: 编写JOB处理器Sample
>> /*
>> *Copyright (c) jmin Organization. All rights reserved.
>> */
>> package first;
>> import org.jmin.kernel.aspect.msg.job.JobAssistant;
>> /**
>> * Job sample.
>> *
>> * @author Chris liao
>> * @version 1.0
>> */
>> public class HelloJobAssisant implements JobAssistant{
>> /**
>> * handle content from job
>> */
>> public void handle(Object content){
>> System.out.println("Job content: " + content);
>> }
>> }
>> 3:编写JMS的topic的Sample:
>> /*
>> *Copyright (c) jmin Organization. All rights reserved.
>> */
>> package first;
>> import org.jmin.kernel.aspect.msg.jms.topic.Topic;
>> /**
>> * Topic sample.
>> *
>> * @author Chris liao
>> * @version 1.0
>> */
>> public class HelloTopic extends Topic{
>> /**
>> * Here,you need't write anything
>> */
>> }
>> 4:编写Jms队列的Sample
>> /*
>> *Copyright (c) jmin Organization. All rights reserved.
>> */
>> package first;
>> import org.jmin.kernel.aspect.msg.jms.queue.Queue;
>> /**
>> * Queue sample, just support one customer
>> *
>> * @author Chris liao
>> * @version 1.0
>> */
>> public class HelloQueue extends Queue{
>> /**
>> * Here,you need't write anything
>> */
>> }
>> 5:编写Jms高级队列的Sample
>> /*
>> *Copyright (c) jmin Organization. All rights reserved.
>> */
>> package first;
>> import org.jmin.kernel.aspect.msg.jms.xqueue.XQueue;
>> /**
>> * advansted queue sample
>> *
>> * @author Chris liao
>> * @version 1.0
>> */
>> public class HelloXQueue extends XQueue{
>> /**
>> * Here,you need't write anything
>> */
>> }
>> 第三步:编写服务配置文件:
>> 接下来我们开始编写服务配置文件:META-INF/service.xml 内容如下:
>> <?xml version="1.0"?>
>> <service id="admin">
>> <components>
>> <component id="firstService" type="service">
>> <class>
>> first.FirstService
>> </class>
>> <property name="aspectPool">
>> <map>
>> <entry key="helloRPC" class="first.HelloRPCAssistant"/>
>> <entry key="helloJob" class="first.HelloJobAssisant"/>
>> <entry key="helloTopic" class="first.HelloTopic"/>
>> <entry key="helloQueue" class="first.HelloQueue"/>
>> <entry key="helloXQueue" class="first.HelloXQueue"/>
>> </map>
>> </property>
>> </component>
>> </components>
>> </service>
>> 第四步: 编译,打包,部署到Jmin的deploy 目录中就好拉,接下来就可以进
>> 行测试拉!
>> 购买商务邮、经济邮即送加密U盘
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