Re: Changes to VM tuning.

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 11:02:41 +0200

thanks Binod for the clarification.

Binod wrote:
> Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine wrote:
>> So 2GB/2-core laptops will use the -server option, correct?
> I checked with Scott. He told me that it is considered client-class and
> so, it will be using -client option.
>> Do we know what the typical startup different time is between
>> -client and -server?
> Dont know exactly. But changing it to -server make a huge difference
> to runtime performance.
> thanks,
> Binod.
>> thanks,
>> -Alexis
>> Binod wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> Heads up regarding some changes to default JVM options for glassfish.
>>> I am planning to do the check-in in next couple of days.
>>> We are removing the default -client option from the developer profile
>>> domain.xml. That means that in server class machines glassfish will be
>>> starting with -server VM (tuned for runtime performance and not
>>> startup).
>>> When VM is server, QuickStartup also will be switched off as the
>>> intention is to tune for runtime performance in server-class machines
>>> and not startup.
>>> In client-class machines the current behaviour will continue as the JDK
>>> will pick -client as the default VM.
>>> thanks,
>>> Binod.