Re: GlassFish CORBA Build problem, can I build from CVS?

From: Harsha Godugu <Harsha.Godugu_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 09:36:57 -0700


Your steps 1-to-4 are correct. Please do not use "make" in the renamed workspace; make is used only for
rename target. After that its all ant.

Your step 5 should be - ant build test for building and testing.

Open up the file Makefile.corba in an editor and see what the target for rename. I think it got changed to "rename" from "renameonly"

You are right on the documentation. We will update doc. Also, you need to clean up the w/s once you had errors.
Just remove your renamed w/s and then start rename again and then use ant to build and test.
Make sure you set JAVA_HOME and PKG_VERSION to ee.

----- Original Message -----
From: Wonseok Kim <>
Date: Friday, July 13, 2007 3:46 am
Subject: GlassFish CORBA Build problem, can I build from CVS?
To: "" <>

> Resending to GlassFish dev list...
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Wonseok Kim <>
> Date: Jun 21, 2007 10:46 PM
> Subject: Build problem, can I build from CVS?
> To:
> Hi GlassFish CORBA team,
> I'm having problems in building from CVS. -.-;
> After I checked out(in Linux) first time, I went to make directory and
> do
> like following as the documentation, but no luck.
> says:
> 1. cd <ws>/make
> 2. gnumake -f Makefile.corba renameonly
> 3. cd <ws>/build/rename/ee/make
> 4. ant build
> 5. gnumake -f Makefile.corba verifyall (to run all tests) (or ant test,
> in GlassFish-CORBA)
> $ make -f Makefile.corba renameonly
> make: *** No rule to make target `renameonly'. Stop.
> There is only rename target in the Makefile. So I had to like below. Please
> update the documentation for newbie like me. :(
> $ export PKG_VERSION=ee
> $ make -f Makefile.corba rename
> Second problem occurs when I do "ant build" like below.
> check-jmk-files:
> call-jmk-checker:
> [echo] Running jmk file checker
> [java] Error in .jmk file: Files that are in the workspace but
> not in
> com_sun_corba_ee_impl_logging.jmk
> [java] com/sun/corba/ee/impl/logging/
> /home/wons/works/glassfish/glassfish-corba/build/rename/ee/make/build.xml:211:
> The following error occurred while executing this line:
> /home/wons/works/glassfish/glassfish-corba/build/rename/ee/make/build.xml:201:
> Java returned: 1
> What is jmk file? The com_sun_corba_ee_impl_logging.jmk file
> definitely does
> not have the reported file which exist in the CVS as the error message.
> GlassFish CORBA looks very unfriendly to build.
> Regards,
> Wonseok