bug or feature? Logger doesn't reload properties

From: Bobby Bissett - Javasoft <Robert.Bissett_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 17:36:09 -0400


When I make changes to the i18n properties file in my web app and
redeploy, the new text doesn't show up unless I restart the server. Am
seeing this in 9.1. Because the changes show up after a restart, I know
the right data is being deployed. But since it doesn't show up upon
deployment, it looks like the Logger object is still in memory even
after I've undeployed the app.

Can someone tell me if this is a bug or is by design? Maybe there's a
setting I'm forgetting. I've attached a small web app that shows this
behavior. Just deploy it and the index.jsp gets a message from a bean
that consists of a string in the bean and a string from a props file.
Change "A" to "B" in the bean and the props file and redeploy, and
you'll still see "A" from the resource bundle. Restart the server and
then you get two "B"s.
