
From: chris <>
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2007 10:08:15 +0800

Hi All,

Here, I want to introduce some detailed featuers from my production.

1: Description mechanism

  In fact, xml description files, and properties files and annotation in EJB3.0 and so on.
  We regard them as detailed description in description domain.

2: Discover mechanism

3: Distinguish mechanism
4: Parse mechanism

5: IOC Component Container

public interface IOCComponentContainer {

   public Object register(ComponentDesc desc);

   public Object getComponent(Object key);
   public Object getComponent(ComponentDesc desc);
   public Collection getAllComponents();


6: Layered Services

    For example: Core services, control-level services, application-level services, and components

7: Services organization:
     Service configuration in xml files,

8: IOC support

    IOC container

9: Deployment
    A service micro-kernel control deployment


There are some similar featuers in GlassFish ? There is a service micro-kernel in GlassFIsh ? No any difference between them?

Who can help me to answer this question ? Although i announce the jmin core and jmin server as the demos of Jmin service, I

hope that my effort can be respected by others. Thanks!

Best Regards

Chris Liao