[Fwd: Re: Glassfish CVS Availability [was: RE: can anyone access cvs since upgrade?]]

From: Gary Thompson <Gary.Thompson_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2007 16:35:08 -0700

attached mail follows:

Hi folks,

We understand that the post upgrade period typically results in a
settling period when services need to be tuned to match concurrent users
and other consumers with services offered.

The GlassFish team and others have been experiencing what is probably
the effects of this issue since the upgrade, particularly with the
ability to check out contents in CVS repositories.

While I'm sure these issues are not being ignored, there seems to be a
lack of communication concerning what is being done to rectify these
issues. Many of the people on this list have background (some
extensive) in similar issues and the feeling is that communication is
only going one way ... they are reporting problems but are not getting
any communications back regarding the work and effort that is being applied.

I believe this is simply a communication issue and if there are regular
and frequent updates posted as to the work that is being done to solve
these issues, people would feel comfortable that although things are not
perfect, work is being done.

Furthermore, while I understand the problems with monday morning
quarterbacking, there is a possibility that someone on this list may
have a good idea that may help.

Communication and Collaboration is better.


Jamey Wood wrote:
> One more report that this is still happening...
> Could we please get some kind of status update?
> Thanks,
> Jamey
> Jamey Wood wrote:
>> And another...
>> Jamey Wood wrote:
>>> One more report of ongoing CVS issues (attached)...
>>> --Jamey
>>> Jamey Wood wrote:
>>>> I'm attaching another report of continuing intermittent CVS
>>>> problems from Bobby Bissett.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jamey
>>>> Jim Wright wrote:
>>>>> Folks,
>>>>> I am sorry that your team is having difficulties with CVS.
>>>>> We are aware of the problem:
>>>>> * Escalated to me at 6 pm yesterday
>>>>> * Responded to Shreedhar a little after 7 pm
>>>>> * Spoke with Russ Tremain a little after 8 pm
>>>>> * Russ submitted a P1 ticket on Issue Tracker (thanks Russ) *
>>>>> Padma (Chennai) could not replicate and requested additional
>>>>> information (~10:30 am)
>>>>> * Padma (Chennai) requested user verification of repo
>>>>> availability (~3:30 am)
>>>>> Currently we are awaiting verfication by the Glassfish team of the
>>>>> availability of repo.
>>>>> If the repo is not available, then we will need more information.
>>>>> Call me. I will be
>>>>> happy to sit with a Bay Area member of the Glassfish team to
>>>>> replicate the problem
>>>>> and capture the information needed to troubleshoot it. We should
>>>>> do this today.
>>>>> Tell me where and when. I am available to physically meet after my
>>>>> morning meetings end (from 10:45 am PDT).
>>>>> Be aware that CVS has been upgraded from 1.11.x to 1.12.x.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Jim
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Subject:
>>>> Re: Upgrade Complete:GlassFish and related sites up
>>>> From:
>>>> Bobby Bissett - Javasoft <>
>>>> Date:
>>>> Fri, 06 Apr 2007 12:17:02 -0400
>>>> To:
>>>> To:
>>>> CC:
>>>> Jamey Wood <>
>>>>> The upgrade was completed last evening and the project
>>>>> web sites were accessible but CVS access problems were reported
>>>>> for GlassFish, Shoal, Ajax and Blueprints projects. At this point,
>>>>> this seems to have been resolved but if you face such issues,
>>>>> please respond here.
>>>> I'm getting intermittent problems. I can check out for a while,
>>>> then it fails with:
>>>> Checking out from source: connector-api
>>>> Using cvs passfile: /home/bbissett/.cvspass
>>>> cvs [checkout aborted]: unrecognized auth response from
>>>> java-net-cvs: cvs pserver: Invalid reply from auth server (8103)
>>>> looking for (bbisse
>>>> tt)
>>>> Or it fails with:
>>>> cvs checkout: Updating
>>>> glassfish/appserv-webtier/src/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/threads/res
>>>> Checking out from source: webtier-extensions
>>>> Using cvs passfile: /home/bbissett/.cvspass
>>>> cvs [checkout aborted]: unrecognized auth response from
>>>> java-net-cvs: cvs pserver: Invalid reply from auth server (25130)
>>>> looking for (bbiss
>>>> ett)
>>>> [...]
>>>> Any ideas? So I'm trying checkout over and over hoping I eventually
>>>> get everything.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Bobby
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Subject:
>> Re: Upgrade Complete:GlassFish and related sites up
>> From:
>> Terena Chinn-Fujii <Terena.Chinnfujii_at_Sun.COM>
>> Date:
>> Fri, 06 Apr 2007 10:01:30 -0700
>> To:
>> Shreedhar Ganapathy <Shreedhar.Ganapathy_at_Sun.COM>
>> To:
>> Shreedhar Ganapathy <Shreedhar.Ganapathy_at_Sun.COM>
>> CC:
>> Jamey Wood <>,
>> Hi Shreedhar,
>> The RE nightly builds (for the Trunk and Beta 2 branch) are showing the
>> following error during checkout:
>> [cvs] cvs checkout: Invalid reply from auth server (userid) looking
>> for (/cvs/glassfish/admin-cli)
>> [cvs] cvs [checkout aborted]: received broken pipe signal
>> [cvs] cvs checkout: Invalid reply from auth server (userid) looking
>> for (DONE)
>> I'm showing this for all platforms that I build on: Solaris Sparc,
>> Solaris X86, Windows,
>> Mac OS X and Linux.
>> Thanks,
>> Terena
>> Shreedhar Ganapathy wrote:
>>> The upgrade was completed last evening and the project web
>>> sites were accessible but CVS access problems were reported for
>>> GlassFish, Shoal, Ajax and Blueprints projects. At this point, this
>>> seems to have been resolved but if you face such issues, please
>>> respond here.
>>> regards
>>> Shreedhar
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> Re: Upgrade Complete:GlassFish and related sites up
> From:
> Dinesh Patil <Dinesh.Patil_at_Sun.COM>
> Date:
> Fri, 06 Apr 2007 15:16:49 -0700
> To:
>, Jamey Wood <Jamey.Wood_at_Sun.COM>
> To:
>, Jamey Wood <Jamey.Wood_at_Sun.COM>
> CC:
> Shreedhar Ganapathy <Shreedhar.Ganapathy_at_Sun.COM>
> Jamey,
> Any update from / Collabnet?
> I still see the same issue, all builds are tinderbox are failing,
> initially it goes through but fails later on while checking out all
> the glassfish modules.
> [cvs] cvs checkout: Invalid reply from auth server (dpatil) looking
> for (/cvs/glassfish/management-api)
> [cvs] cvs [checkout aborted]: received broken pipe signal
> [cvs] cvs checkout: Invalid reply from auth server (dpatil) looking
> for (DONE)
> thanks
> Dinesh
> Terena Chinn-Fujii wrote:
>> Hi Shreedhar,
>> The RE nightly builds (for the Trunk and Beta 2 branch) are showing the
>> following error during checkout:
>> [cvs] cvs checkout: Invalid reply from auth server (userid) looking
>> for (/cvs/glassfish/admin-cli)
>> [cvs] cvs [checkout aborted]: received broken pipe signal
>> [cvs] cvs checkout: Invalid reply from auth server (userid) looking
>> for (DONE)
>> I'm showing this for all platforms that I build on: Solaris Sparc,
>> Solaris X86, Windows,
>> Mac OS X and Linux.
>> Thanks,
>> Terena
>> Shreedhar Ganapathy wrote:
>>> The upgrade was completed last evening and the project web
>>> sites were accessible but CVS access problems were reported for
>>> GlassFish, Shoal, Ajax and Blueprints projects. At this point, this
>>> seems to have been resolved but if you face such issues, please
>>> respond here.
>>> regards
>>> Shreedhar
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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>>> For additional commands, e-mail:
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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