Re: HA/in-memory replication

From: Ashish Sahni <Ashish.Sahni_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2007 12:08:48 -0700

Hi Larry,
All my questions are with respect to 'the *complexity* of data
that gets stored as http session information'.


Larry White wrote:

> Hi:
> Leaving aside the question of where Kedar "is coming from"
> if I understand your question it is "why do objects have to
> be serializable"? The answer is because we use java serialization
> to turn the object graph representing http session into a byte array.
> But I think you knew that already. So perhaps I don't understand
> yet what your question really is.
> regards, Larry White
> Ashish Sahni wrote:
>> Comment/question inline:
>> kedar wrote:
>>> Ashish Sahni wrote:
>>>> Please see inline:
>>>> kedar wrote:
>>>>>> Another question I need answered
>>>>> We will satisfy all your needs :)
>>>> I hope not ;)
>>>>>> since I can't actually verify this now -
>>>>>> For the application session data to be replicated across
>>>>>> instances, does the data (stored
>>>>>> in HttpSession) have to be 'instanceof Serializable' ?
>>>>> I would think so. I hope that you are not storing complex
>>>>> data structures in the session though.
>>>> Define complex ?
>>> Anything that's not simple. Example: a Hashtable<String,String>.
>> I'd like to know where you are coming from. Is it only performance
>> of the replication process that's behind this call or is there more
>> to it.
>> And are we (trying to) enforcing this in any way ?
>> The reason I bring this up is because you can bet what gets stored
>> as session data
>> in a lot of apps is a lot more 'complex' than a 'simple' hashtable.
>> Thanks
>> Ashish
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