quicklook ee tests vs my firewall (round 2)

From: Bobby Bissett - Javasoft <Robert.Bissett_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2007 15:21:19 -0400

This shouldn't be a problem for anyone not running inside a firewall,
and it's not a problem on my solaris machine, but my windows machine
won't run all the quicklook ee tests anymore.

I've installed a newer version of my firewall software (not the Windows
firewall -- and it's turned off before you ask). I've updated the rules
to allow inbound/outbound loopbacks for all computers using all
adapters, as discussed in an earlier email I had on this topic. But with
the firewall running I get 7 tests that were not run. Is there a way to
tell what the tests actually are so I can see the problem?

I see stack traces like these in the output:
      [java] java.lang.NullPointerException
      [java] at
      [java] at
      [java] at
      [java] at

There happens to be 7 of those, so maybe I've half-answered my question.
The other half -- anyone know what the firewall is doing that would
cause this symptom? It's not prompting me for anything, so my next step
is I guess to monitor the firewall logs (if there are such things) as
the tests run. Any help would be appreciated. Also, if there's a way to
run just one of the tests, that would be nice to know.
