Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
>> My name is Leo and I am willing to contribute with Glassfish project.
>> Few months ago I got the observer role, however I still confused about
>> how is the best way to start helping someone.
>> Please let me know if someone wanna use these hands!
> You work for IBM and you are interested to work in GlassFish? Great!
> Which part of GlassFish are you interested in? You need to look at our
> code and propose patches in order to be considered as a commiter.
Meritocracy is the way!
Leo: one way I typically try to get involved in an OSS project is by
browsing through their bug tracker. Anything that's not being worked on
that sounds doable, I start trying to find a way to fix it. That gets
you familiar with the code, and by doing this a few times you show your
value to the project.
- Charlie