Re: deployment error/thread death

From: Charles Oliver Nutter <>
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 02:23:04 -0500

Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
> For what it's worth, if there's a way to accomplish what we're doing
> with BC (whatever it is) without registering it as a provider, we're
> fine making that change. The developer who introduced the BC dependency
> may just not have known another way.
> Of course I'm completely in the dark when it comes to security providers
> and how they all fit together. But I wanted it to be known that if we
> don't need to be doing this, we'll change it. So feel free to educate us
> on appropriate security provider usage...

Ask and you shall receive; one of the JRuby community members has
submitted a patch that may eliminate the need for registering a security
provider. You can certainly continue the discussion about how to handle
these situations in the future, but I'm much more comfortable not having
JRuby on Rails impose such requirements on a container.

- Charlie