Re: Integrating Jetty with Glassfish

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 18:15:03 -0700

> I've been working on integrating Jetty with Glassfish.


> BTW, I look forward to meeting other glassfish-ers at the
CommunityOne event,

Same here!

        - eduard/o

Jan Bartel wrote:
> Hi there.
> I've been working on integrating Jetty with Glassfish. So far, so good. Using the Jetty Grizzly
> connector, we've been able to get all of the standard glassfish webapps deployed and working
> with Jetty as the web container.
> I've had to make a couple of mods to a few classes which have hardcoded tomcat dependencies
> to make them more generic, but these have really been quite minor changes. I've posted patches
> for them as Issue 2841 - for those interested:
> I'm having a couple of problems with getting the startup of the admin gui to use
> the I've worked
> around it for now by not doing the delayed faces initialization, but obviously I'd
> like to have it work the same way it does with tomcat as the web container.
> It seems that somehow on startup some of the faces stuff is being partially initialized,
> such that when the DelayedInitFacesServlet tries to initialize faces,
> it acts as if it already has been, however it clearly isn't as faces reports startup errors.
> I'm guessing it is something to do with the registration of the classloader as the way
> the faces initialization factory keeps track of whether it has been initialized or
> not for a webapp, however I'd really appreciate it if someone with more knowledge
> of faces/and or it's use within glassfish could give me some pointers on this.
> BTW, I look forward to meeting other glassfish-ers at the CommunityOne event,
> cheers
> Jan
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