Re: SQLAnyhwhere: Is it OK to "fake" a sequence?

From: Markus KARG <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2007 19:10:36 +0100

> While, i am still not an expert on Toplink Essentials codeline yet, my
> take is that you are reading too much into the method names.
> Looking at this and the other platforms, this to me is just the way to
> access identity/sequences... etc.
> So I do not see you are faking a sequence, just providing the correct
> plumbing in order to provide the support required for the given
> platform, in this case, SQL Anywhere, to return the auto-generated
> values, which in this case is done via an identity column.
Just for my own curiosity:

A programmer can write @GeneratedValue(strategy = SEQUENCE) or
@GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY), and he expects SQLAnywherePlatform
to do different things. Is SQLAynwherePlatform behaving correctly in the
case that SEQUENCE is used but not IDENTITY?

Also, entity-persistent-tests is running tests using SEQUENCE. In fact
that tests failed. Then I added support for IDENTITY. Now the tests
pass. So it seems, the SEQUENCE tests think SQL Anywhere supports
sequences. But actually, it does not.

Since I do not want to provide a lie, is it correct what I programmed,
or do I have to remove parts of it?
