Lance (and Tom),
> It is important to support jConnect and SQLAnywhere's driver. Using
> jConnect, you should be able to get the platform to behave like Sybase
> ASE.
While I agree with you that jConnect should be provided, we should be
careful about the design we're applying: We should abstain from putting
jConnect things into SQLAnywhere platform, since jConnect is not part of
the product (the product manual just tells where to get jConnect and how
to use it, but there had been times when jConnect was a sold product,
and no one knows what Sybase plans in the future. Maybe they sell their
shares and iAnywhere will no more be Sybase affiliate -- what then?).
From my opinion, the best solution is to make TopLink learn that a
driver and a dbms are two different things -- it should allow to place.
Unless that is supported, maybe it would be best to put the jConnect
specifics in some kind of inner class (if you don't like the idea of
having different JConnectSQLAnywherePlatform and
IAnywhereSQLAnywherePlatforms, as I proposed)?
And what do you mean with " should be able to get the platform to
behave like Sybase ASE"? Which SQLAnyhwere user wants that actually? I
mean, if I want ASE then I buy ASE. This is a GF discussion, and if I
have SQLAnyhwere then I want GF to talk to it like SQLAnywhere and not
to talk to it like ASE actually. What sense should it make to let GF
talk to SQLAnyhwhere in ASE mode but not use the existing SybasePlatform
for that?
> The Sql Anywhere 10 docs are quite clear that both the jConnect and
> the iAnywhere (jdbc-odbc bridge) driver are supported, so we
> definitely want to get both of these humming.
On the other hand, jConnect is not to be found in the box when buying
SQLAnywhere, and there are third party drivers for SQLAnywhere, too.
What about them? Also I do not see that iAnywhere is supporting jConnect
but isn't it the reverse way actually -- jConnect is supporting
SQLAnyhwere? In fact, to make jConnect work, you must apply two options
that administrators might have "switched off": You must add ASE
additions (which are on by default, but you can opt out), and you must
add jConnect additions (otherwise jConnect will not work correctly). If
I have enabled both, IMHO I can use SybasePlatform, since I have a more
or less full ASE emulation enabled then.
> I also do not know if/when we have done a full test run of ASE using
> jConnect 6.0.5, i know we have not done a full compliance run with
> this driver so it is possible that the issues are generic.
Maybe you like to run a FullRegressionTest using jConnect 6.0.5 on a
"real" ASE using SybasePlatform first, before trying to emulate ASE 12.5
using SQLAnyhwere 10 ? I think that makes more sense. What I wanted to
provide is a native SQLAnywhere platform, using a native iAnywhere
driver. I didn't want to provide an ASE emulator. ;-)
> SQL Anywhere has a very large install base and it will only benefit
> continued JPA/toplink essentials adoption to get SQL Anywhere supported.
Certainly. We're just discussing the best way to provide that. :-)
Have Fun