You might have received findbugs errors notifications since last couple
of days. Hope you are not surprised;) We got feedback from some of the
engineers and mostly positive with some suggestions. In fact, we're
playing "catch up". In the current findbugs errors list, there are old
errors, but until they're fixed people are going to be notified about them.
Please stay tuned for some more changes in the system: i) say to report
only new errors in the daily emails and the entire list on monthly
basis. ii) Consolidation report with all errors on individual errors.
If you don't want to fix any of the bugs with proper justification,
please let us know so that we can exclude. Again, if you have found any
errors or have feedback, please send us the same.
Thanks to Bill Shannon , who is providing us the direction for findbugs
errors notification system to use it effectively to reduce the errors in
the Glassfish code.
Have a nice weekend.
-- Jagadesh and Aditya.
Jagadesh B Munta wrote:
> Wish you all a Happy New year!
> Attention: All Glassfish Committers
> Starting 01/04 (@2AM PST) you will get email notifications regarding
> FindBugs high priority warnings generated
> from your changes to the GlassFish modules.
> If you get emails for modules that don't belong to you, or if you have
> questions about the emails,
> please contact jagadesh.munta_at_sun.com or aditya.dada_at_sun.com .
> Thanks to Bill Shannon for providing the base scripts, on which this
> notification system has been built.
> Let us improve GlassFish quality together!
> Thank you,
> Application Server Quality Team.
> ----------------------------------------