Re: SQL Anywhere Platform

From: Markus KARG <>
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2007 17:28:48 +0100


here is an essential update. Forget the email of yesterday. ;-)
> Hi Markus,
> In the mean time, I think your best strategy is to temporarily
> change the test models to use TABLE sequencing. I believe you will
> have to change 4 classes:
I have implemented native sequences on SQLAnywhere by using
autoincremented columns plus reading the last used value later (as
SybasePlatform does). It works well. Not only the native sequence tests
ALL pass without error (!), also all the other errors are gone now! Wow,
what a difference: Only 7 errors plus 7 faults left over! Some of the
errors can be fixed without your help I think, since I can copy my
solution from MaxDBPlatform. :-)

I have one question I hope you can answer me:

How to tell TopLink to add "NULL" tag (I mean the "NULL IS ALLOWED TAG",
not the "NOT NULL TAG")?

I have mapped java.lang.Boolean to "BIT" sql type. The problem is:
SQLAnywhere implies "NOT NULL" with the type "BIT" unless explicitely
writing "BIT NULL" (yes, I know, this is totally strange since typically
SQL works the other way: it assumes "BIT NULL" unless you write "BIT NOT
NULL"). So I need to tell TopLink that it must add "NULL ALLOWED"
explicitely. I thought that this will be done when writing "new
FieldTypeDefinition("BIT", false, false)" instead of "new
FieldTypeDefinition("BIT", false, true)" (or its simpler form: "new
FieldTypeDefinition("BIT", false)"). Unfortunately, as I can read from
the test log, TopLink ignores the third parameter: It does never add
"NULL ALLOWED" to the CREATE TABLE, independent of the third parameter
being true, false or omitted. Is that a TopLink bug, or is something
missing in my platform implementation? Actually I can work around by not
mapping to "BIT" but to "TINYINT", which suppresses the error but
actually uses two bytes for a single bit then, what is not very smart.

Thanks a lot!