Bugswat at noon 01/26

From: Mahesh.Kannan <Mahesh.Kannan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 11:27:21 -0800
Hello All,

We will be having a Bugswat meeting at 12:00PM 01/26/07. The meeting call-in info is below:

Toll Free Dial In Number: (866)545-5224
Int'l Access/Caller Paid Dial In Number: (865)521-9328
ACCESS CODE: 2764405
Time: 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM PST

Please show up/email updates/designate someone to represent you if you own any of the following bugs.

#         ID   P CAT_SUBCAT           RESP ENG        RESP MGR        AGE STA SYNOPSIS 
1    6501416   2 sunone_app/jms       michael.munn    vasundhara.shas  7W dis Message-driven bean supplied by Generic JMS RA stops consuming messages when EJB pool limit reached 
2    6517884   2 sunone_app/jbi       -               srikanth.ananda   0 dis Unable to sent a Message to JMS BC from EJB Web Service using Java EE Service Engine 
3    6313023   2 sunone_app/other     mahesh.kannan   sridatta.viswan 17M dis Tests hang with OutOfMemory error 
4    6516769   2 sunone_app/logging   jie.leng        sridatta.viswan  2D acc AS9.1EE logRotaion not working properly 
5    6518194   2 sunone_app/performan kedar.mhaswade  sridatta.viswan   0 dis Start-Instance is failing on B33 
6    6516153   2 sunone_app/admin_gui ana.caballero   nazrul.islam     3D fip Fail to display instance's system property values 
7    6516741   2 sunone_app/admin     nandini.ektare  nazrul.islam     2D ckn RMI Classloader should be able to load classes from jbi.jar with security manager turned off 
8    6517767   2 sunone_app/admin_gui chock.chidambar nazrul.islam      0 dis jsf: getting 500 status when redeploy applications/modules with null value 
9    6511672   2 sunone_app/entity-pe marina.vatkina  eliot.morrison  16D ffa Problems invoking remove on a detached entity (CTS fails) 
10   6517762   2 sunone_app/entity-pe marina.vatkina  eliot.morrison    0 dis NPE from MetadataAccessor.getReferenceClassName when deploying an ear containing persistence units 
11   6515304   2 sunone_app/entity-pe marina.vatkina  eliot.morrison   7D dis [BLOCKING] SPECJ-like test with EJB3.0 Persistence: Deadlock detected while waiting for resource 
12   6516632   2 sunone_app/failover  larry.white     eliot.morrison   2D inc Authorization fails during session failover in a cluster 
13   6517222   2 sunone_app/failover  larry.white     eliot.morrison   1D dis AS9.1EE : Failures with HA tests using inmemory config 
14   6516743   2 sunone_app/amx       lloyd.chambers  abhijit.kumar    2D dis Regression: Error thrown when add target for resource 

ri Jan 26 19:18:03 +0000 2007
ID Type Pr i Plat Owner State Resolution Summary
2243 DEFECT P1 All dochez UNCONF
switch SUN APPLICATION SERVER branding for Glassfish
2084 DEFECT P2 All tware UNCONF
Generated SQL uses wrong alias for orderby clause
2195 DEFECT P2 All km105526 UNCONF
GlassFish should stii start when an unexpected error is thro
2223 DEFECT P2 All binod UNCONF
Class loaders for apps not available from ApplicationRegistr
1599 DEFECT P2 All km105526 STARTE
Issues with embedded sun-resources.xml in EAR file
2196 DEFECT P2 Other harpreet STARTE
call_flow monitoring lock issue

6 issues found