MS4 build promoted

From: Mahesh.Kannan <Mahesh.Kannan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 21:48:44 -0800
Hello All,
   We just completed the GlassFish V2 Milestone4 build successfully!!  You can view the MS4 exit criteria here.

   We still have some P2 issues to be fixed. We have created a branch (SJSAS91_BETA_BRANCH) into which only bugswat approved issues must be checked in. Each checkin into this branch must clearly specify the bug number and the name of  a reviewer who did the code review. Also, the bug must also be checked in the trunk

  The trunk is open for all checkins now

  We still have a number of P3 bugs to be fixed. These bugs can be fixed/checked in only on the trunk.
