Bugswat at 1:30PM Pacific time 01/23/07

From: Mahesh.Kannan <Mahesh.Kannan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2007 13:30:02 -0800

Hello All,

Sorry for the late notice.

We will be having a Bugswat meeting today Tuesday 01/23/07. The meeting call-in info is below:

Toll Free Dial In Number: (866)545-5224
Int'l Access/Caller Paid Dial In Number: (865)521-9328
ACCESS CODE: 2764405
Time: 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM PST

Please show up/designate someone to represent you if you own any of the following bugs.

P1, P2 Bugster bugs:
#         ID   P CAT_SUBCAT           RESP ENG        RESP MGR        AGE STA SYNOPSIS 
1    6514856   2 sunone_app/compatibi anand.mishra    shridhar.hosava  4D dis Java EE Tutorial JAXR examples fail with AS9 and JDK 6 
2    6511672   2 sunone_app/entity-pe marina.vatkina  eliot.morrison  13D ffa Problems invoking remove on a detached entity (CTS fails) 
3    6515304   2 sunone_app/entity-pe marina.vatkina  eliot.morrison   4D dis [BLOCKING] SPECJ-like test with EJB3.0 Persistence: Deadlock detected while waiting for resource 
4    6515865   2 sunone_app/jbi       bhavanishankara srikanth.ananda  1D dis http bc uses the same port for HttpDefaultPort as the instance ssl port in a cluster setup 
5    6515974   2 sunone_app/jbi       vikas.awasthi   srikanth.ananda  1D dis Soap address location in the wsdl returned from a SA deployed to an appserver cluster is invalid 
6    6501416   2 sunone_app/jms       michael.munn    vasundhara.shas  6W dis Message-driven bean supplied by Generic JMS RA stops consuming messages when EJB pool limit reached 
7    6494180   2 sunone_app/load_bala hongfeng.shen   vasundhara.shas  9W acc Loadbalancer plugin not handling chunked data 
8    6313023   2 sunone_app/other     mahesh.kannan   sridatta.viswan 17M dis Tests hang with OutOfMemory error 
9    6516190   2 sunone_app/packaging prasad.subraman srikanth.ananda   0 dis Ubuntu build of GlassFish does not include all required jar files 
10   6515844   2 sunone_app/packaging snjezana.sevo-z srikanth.ananda  1D fip Packaging changes to install appserv-ee.jar via the PE installer 
11   6510947   2 sunone_app/upgrade_t kedar.mhaswade  srikanth.ananda 14D ckn Node-agent synchronization fails after asupgrade IP because of domain.xml incompatibility 

Generated on: Tue Jan 23 10:38:29 PST 2007

P1, P2 Issues
ID Type Pri Plat Owner State Resolution Summary
2082 DEFECT P2 All vijaysr UNCONF
Stateful webservice manager resource injection not working
2084 DEFECT P2 All tware UNCONF
Generated SQL uses wrong alias for orderby clause
1919 DEFECT P2 All vijaysr NEW
processing ordering issue between WS-TX Service Pipe and Web
2071 DEFECT P2 Linux km105526 NEW
Can not start a killed instance
2100 DEFECT P2 Sun anilam NEW
java.lang.NullPointerException when deploying exploded war w
1599 DEFECT P2 All km105526 STARTE
Issues with embedded sun-resources.xml in EAR file
2074 DEFECT P2 All ailitche REOPEN
EM.clear throws NPE

7 issues found

P1 & P2 Bugs Fixed In 8.2 that need too be Forward Ported To 9.1

Tue Jan 23 10:42:12 PST 2007

6361947 2 1 sivakumar.thyagarajan srikanth.anandal jms 8.2pe FDe/vfy Regression : transaction/bmt/txlocal/mdbsession test fails with MQ error
6476954 2 1 prasad.subramanian srikanth.anandal packaging 8.2ee FDe/vfy Application Server has a private copy of NSS
6489325 2 1 varun.singh sandhya.m.n windows 8.2ee FDe/vfy Windows/AS : Files in getting copied outside toplevel folder.
6358422 2 2 oleg.kostukovsky vasundhara.shastry load_balancer 8.2ee FDe Appserver 7.1/8.1 EE: web server LB proxy plug-in should properly support keep-alive connections
6367406 2 2 bustamam.harun jean-francois.martel admin_gui 8.2ee Clo/vfd Couldn't display l10n page for admin gui
6455384 2 2 michael.munn sridatta.viswanath other 8.2ee FDe JNDI lookups from ServletContextListener failing
6467433 2 2 rajeshwar.patil abhijit.kumar monitoring 8.2ee FDe dynamically changing DAS monitoring levels messes up remote instances
6338659 2 3 snjezana.sevo-zenzerovic anil.gaur installation 8.2ee FDe/vfy Implement XDesign recommendations for installer GUI
6362881 2 3 snjezana.sevo-zenzerovic anil.gaur installation 8.2ee FDe/vfd <BLOCKING - EE> Installer doesn't give upgrade option when upgrade 8.1ur2 to 8.2ee
6453274 2 3 prasad.subramanian srikanth.anandal packaging 8.2ee FDe/vfd AS b14. mfwk.agent.appserv.delegate.GeneralStatusHandler class is missing in appserver-se.jar.