WS endpoint error is reported as NULL, and not propagated to NB.

From: Gustav Trede <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2007 13:08:55 +0100

using JDK 1.6 release , latest nightly NB 5.5.1 , GF v2 b33 (22 jan) ,


private final static HashMap allRoles = (HashMap)
Collections.synchronizedMap( new HashMap());

which during deployment gives me the following in the log file:
wsgen successful
DPL5306:EJB Web Service Endpoint [UserManagerBean] listening at address
deployed with moduleid = EJB_server_
ADM1041:Sent the event to instance:[ModuleDeployEvent -- enable
Cannot initialize endpoint : error is : null
LDR5010: All ejb(s) of [EJB_server_] loaded successfully!

removing the 'static' somehow allows for a more proper detailed error
message :
"Cannot initialize endpoint : error is :
java.util.Collections$SynchronizedMap cannot be cast to java.util.HashMap"

in either case this endpoint error is not propagated to NB, where i get
the "All operations completed successfully" message.

At least in non j2ee , this exception from the static version is a
java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError caused by classcastexception.
Therefore it should be more information available then a simple 'NULL'
in glassfish ?.

do i report any of these 2 problems as an 'issue' ?.

   Gustav Trede