>>> This is what the spec says:
>>> jta-data-source, non-jta-data-source
>>> In Java EE environments, the jta-data-source and non-jta-data-source
>>> elements are used to specify the global JNDI name of the JTA and/or
>>> non-JTA data source to be used by the persistence provider. If
>>> neither is specified, the deployer must specify a JTA data source at
>>> deployment or a JTA data source must be provided by the container.
>>> You can file an enhancement request to support adding the value at
>>> deployment
>>> (e.g. via 'asadmin deploy' option).
>> In fact I think it is a bug but not a new feature. The specification
>> says, the deployer must specify at deployment, and it is not possible
>> in GF. So it is a bug.
> I don't know - it says "the deployer must specify ... or ... must be
> provided by the container". We do the latter. You can file a bug, but
> be prepared that others interpret the spec differently ;(.
I filed issue 2092 for that, including a detailed argumentation why it
is a bug but not a missing feature. :-)