Re: deploy issue with glassfish v2 b31

From: Peter Fabian <Peter.Fabian_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 16:06:03 +0100

Hong Zhang wrote:
> Hi, Peter
> Were you able to deploy the same application with admin gui with
> previous builds of glassfish?
sure. i had b 28 before and was fine
> Also can you try to deploy the same web app using admin cli with
> b31? This will tell us whether the problem is specific to admin gui.
> Thanks.
I cannot deploy with asadmin deploy.
asadmin> deploy --user=admin --port 4848 "c:\Sun\idm6sp2.war"
CLI171 Command deploy failed : Deployment of application failed -
Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?

As I wrote in a prev. email, I had to turn of ssl on listener 4848.
anyway if I don't use -s for deploy, why it tries to use ssl to connect?

Peter Fabian
Sun software