Re: error in bootstrap-all from

From: Lloyd L Chambers <Lloyd.Chambers_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2007 17:10:53 -0800

Thanks. Can such messages be supressed?

I've filed a reproducible bug which might be related to my problems:


On Jan 11, 2007, at 2:48 PM, Dinesh Patil wrote:

> Lloyd L Chambers wrote:
>> Dinesh,
>> This problem keeps occurring, stalling development sometimes for
>> HOURS. Can't we get rid of this flaky ibiblio site from the
>> *build*?!
>> Attempting to download jasper-jsr199-9.1.jar.
>> Error retrieving artifact from [
>> jasper- jsr199/jars/jasper-jsr199-9.1.jar]:
>> Unknown error downloading; status code was: 301
>> Cookie rejected: "$Version=0;
>> JSESSIONID=BA95958151F093865CF00E8F232AB625; $Path=/servlets".
>> Illegal path attribute "/servlets". Path of origin: "/nonav/
>> repository/jasper-jsr199/jars/jasper-jsr199-9.1.jar"
>> 8K downloaded
>> Cookie rejected: "$Version=0;
>> JSESSIONID=910BBA34908DE9F8CC7C6519D2536140; $Path=/servlets".
>> Illegal path attribute "/servlets". Path of origin: "/nonav/
>> repository/jasper-jsr199/jars/jasper-jsr199-9.1.jar.md5"
>> Attempting to download shoal-0.8_12042006.jar.
>> 1603K downloaded
> There is just a Cookie warning but the jars are downloaded
> successfully, so there is no error.. this is happening after adding
> the maven repository URL :
> nonav/repository but following build failures has nothing to do
> with this above warning messages.
> thanks
> Dinesh
>> ..........
>> [delete] Deleting: /gf/build/glassfish/bootstrap/ejb-api.log
>> [java] Buildfile: /gf/build/glassfish/ejb-api/build.xml
>> [java]
>> [java] init:
>> [java] [echo] Building component ejb-api
>> [java] [mkdir] Created dir: /gf/build/glassfish/ejb-api/build
>> [java]
>> [java] compile:
>> [java] [javac] Compiling 62 source files to /gf/build/
>> glassfish/ejb-api/build
>> [java] [javac] /gf/build/glassfish/ejb-api/src/share/
>> classes/ javax/ejb/ package
>> javax.xml.rpc.handler does not exist
>> [java] [javac] import javax.xml.rpc.handler.MessageContext;
>> [java] [javac] ^
>> [java] [javac] /gf/build/glassfish/ejb-api/src/share/
>> classes/ javax/ejb/ cannot find symbol
>> [java] [javac] symbol : class MessageContext
>> [java] [javac] location: interface javax.ejb.SessionContext
>> [java] [javac] MessageContext getMessageContext()
>> throws IllegalStateException;
>> [java] [javac] ^
>> [java] [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a
>> deprecated API.
>> [java] [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation
>> for details.
>> [java] [javac] 2 errors
>> [java]
>> [java] BUILD FAILED
>> [java] /gf/build/glassfish/ejb-api/build.xml:68: Compile
>> failed; see the compiler err
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