See below.
File a bug and I'll take care of it. There are System.out.println
statements in 3 places actually.
What's happening is that an MBean must be disappearing after it has
been found (latency). That is not unexpected if you deploy and
redeploy since of course MBeans come and go.
appserv-api module,
public Set<AMX>
toProxySet( final Set<ObjectName> objectNames )
final Set<AMX> s = new HashSet<AMX>();
for( final ObjectName objectName : objectNames )
final AMX proxy = getProxy( objectName, AMX.class, true );
assert( ! s.contains( proxy ) );
s.add( proxy );
catch( Exception e )
final Throwable rootCause = ExceptionUtil.getRootCause( e );
System.out.println( "ProxyFactory.toProxySet: exception for
MBean " +
objectName + " = " + rootCause );
return( s );
On Jan 10, 2007, at 5:47 PM, vince kraemer wrote:
> I am running a test where an app is getting deployed over and over
> again...
> eventually, I start to see this message from the server:
> ProxyFactory.toProxySet: exception for MBean amx:X-
> StandaloneServerConfig=server,j2eeType=X-
> DeployedItemRefConfig,name=SjsasTestWeb =
> amx:X-
> StandaloneServerConfig=server,j2eeType=X-
> DeployedItemRefConfig,name=SjsasTestWeb
> Note: this message is only on my client... it is not in the server
> log...
> Any clues on what I might have broken?
> Thanks,
> vbk
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