Factory class for custom JNDI resource

From: Cheng Fang <Cheng.Fang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 08:31:46 -0500

Is there a ready-to-use factory class for custom JNDI resource in
Glassfish? Tomcat has one: org.apache.naming.BeanFactory that can be
used to create any custom resource conforming to JavaBeans.

I noticed this BeanFactory class is available in appserv-rt.jar. Is it
supported for this purpose in Glassfish? Is it supported in web
container, ejb container, and appclient container?

If not, then users will need to create their own factory class. It
seems to be a usability issue.

I was able to create such a resource using this BeanFactory, but at
runtime, the lookup always returns a null. It means the lookup succeeds
and the value bound to the name is null.

Any suggestions before I go about creating my own factory? Thanks.
