Hi Anissa,
How will the JATO and Lockhart be affected by this change?
How could I get the latest documents about this?
I am writing something to introduce JATO and Lockhart for Chinese
developer. I suppose that the documents about Glassfish Framework on the
web need to be changed accordingly.
Anissa Lam wrote:
> This is a Heads up regarding changes in Admin Console for 9.1.
> In order to keep up with the Web technology and provide AJAX in the
> admin console, the GUI team has completely rewritten the code for the
> console. The new console uses JSF and the latest Woodstock components.
> On top of JSF, we use Templating for JavaServer™ Faces Technology
> <https://jsftemplating.dev.java.net/> (or jsftemplating). Interface to
> the backend has also been changed, and mostly uses AMX
> <https://glassfish.dev.java.net/javaee5/amx/> API.
> We will switch to this new JSF version of Admin GUI this weekend, so
> that Monday's (12/11) nightly build will be using this as the admin
> console.
> Another message will be sent out once the changes has complete.
> thanks
> Anissa.