RE: Heads up regarding Admin Console changes

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2006 10:55:24 -0600

Couple of questions:
1) Why jsftemplating? Not second guessing, but, as a Facelets fan, I'm
curious why jsftemplating was chosen over Facelets. When we looked at
it, the docs were pretty sparse, so we moved on. I hear things have
changed, so we're curious what the advantages are.
2) What/where are the Woodstock components?
Jason Lee, SCJP
Programmer/Analyst <>


        From: Anissa.Lam_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Anissa.Lam_at_Sun.COM]
        Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 7:34 PM
        Subject: Heads up regarding Admin Console changes

        This is a Heads up regarding changes in Admin Console for 9.1.
        In order to keep up with the Web technology and provide AJAX in
the admin console, the GUI team has completely rewritten the code for
the console. The new console uses JSF and the latest Woodstock
components. On top of JSF, we use Templating for JavaServer(tm)
Faces Technology <> (or
jsftemplating). Interface to the backend has also been changed, and
mostly uses AMX <> API.
        We will switch to this new JSF version of Admin GUI this
weekend, so that Monday's (12/11) nightly build will be using this as
the admin console.
        Another message will be sent out once the changes has complete.