Re: Status whiteboard - multiple keywords

From: Krishnamohan Meduri <Krishna.Meduri_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 12:01:45 -0800

Thanks so much, Tom.
I just checked my permissions. Here is what it shows:
Your account has the following explicit permissions:

    * Attach File:
      Project issue tracking - Attach File
    * Change Status:
      Project issue tracking - Change Status
    * Submit:
      Project issue tracking - Submit
    * Add Comment:
      Project issue tracking - Add Comment
    * Change:
      Project issue tracking - Change
    * Query:
      Project issue tracking - Query

It seems I cannot add "Keyword" field.
Whom should I approach for this? Does anybody know?

What about status whiteboard? Does anybody know if I can add multiple
keyword comma separated in status whiteboard?


Tom Amiro wrote On 11/27/06 11:47,:
> Hi Krishna,
> Here are the definitions
>> Status Whiteboard
>> allows you to query on the field defined by the project owner (or
>> users with Issue Tracker administrative permissions). Input values
>> to query by this field thus depend upon how it is being used in a
>> particular project.
>> Keywords
>> allows you to query on the keywords defined for the project. If
>> the project administrator has not defined any keywords, this field
>> will not appear on the *Query* page. To view a list of the
>> keywords defined for this project, click the *Keyword* link next
>> to this field.
> I'm not sure about Status Whiteboard, but you can add as many keywords
> as you want (if you have admin perms) and then query on them.
> Tom
> Krishnamohan Meduri wrote:
>>Does the issue tracker support *multiple* keywords in its status
>>whiteboard field. I could not find any documentation anywhere.
>>I need to add a keyword to some issues based on which I should be able
>>to query in future. I don't want to inadvertently overwrite existing
>>keyword and hence this question. Any link/info appreciated.
>>Any other field that can my serve my need is fine too.
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