Re: PROPOSAL - List of contributors and Pride of Craftsmanship...

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2006 09:39:48 -0500


        - eduard/o

vince kraemer wrote:
> Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
>> I have always like the list of "contributors" in software products.
>> Be them as a easter egg or more easily discoverable. I think they
>> convey a pride of craftmanship.
>> I propose we track individual contributors to GF v2 and we ship that
>> file in the product, suitable discoverable. Anybody that has
>> contributed to any project in the GlassFish community that is included
>> in the GF AS would qualify. That includes:
>> - Contributors to code in repositories in
>> - Ditto to code in other repositories that are bundled into the AS
>> (jaxb, jsf, ...)
>> - Anybody contributing code patches.
>> We can track the bug submitters via issuetracker.
>> How does this sound like? If so, we can simply enter one line per
>> contributor into GF v2 at this wiki page:
> Do not forget documentation contributions...
>> - eduard/o
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