Re: Big changes in Server Startup

From: Byron Nevins <Byron.Nevins_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2006 14:23:07 -0800

Correction -- the changes will appear in build *26*.

Byron Nevins wrote:
> running the script, startserv[.bat] in the bin directory of the
> domain, is slightly faster because there is no CLI overhead.
> The script does not hang around and wait for the server to come up -
> it will return immediately, and you won't see this stuff:
> Domain domain1 started.
> Domain [domain1] is running [Sun Java System Application Server
> Enterprise Edition 9.1 (build TestBuildID)] with its configuration and
> logs
> at: [c:\as\domains].
> Admin Console is available at [https://localhost:4849].
> Use the same port [4849] for "asadmin" commands.
> User web applications are available at these URLs:
> [http://localhost:8080 https://localhost:8181 ].
> Following web-contexts are available:
> [/web1 /asadmin ].
> Standard JMX Clients (like JConsole) can connect to JMXServiceURL:
> [service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://hp:8686/jmxrmi] for domain management
> purposes.
> Domain listens on at least following ports for connections:
> [8080 8181 4849 3700 3820 3920 8686 ].
> -----------------
> You can start a domain or a node-agent like below and it will turn on
> debugging in the server:
> startserv debug
> (this was NOT working. Thanks for reminding me. I just checked in
> the fix)
> --------------------
> "startserv verbose" also works -- for DAS and node agents
> --------------------
> The changes are in Build 25
> Ed Burns wrote:
>>>>>>> On Wed, 15 Nov 2006 10:29:00 -0800, Byron Nevins <Byron.Nevins_at_Sun.COM> said:
>> BN> The startup and shutdown of servers has been significantly improved.
>> BN> High lights are here
>> BN> <>
>> This is good news. I'm using v2-b25. Is it in there? If so, I
>> normally use asadmin start-domain domain1. Is there a faster way to do
>> it? If so, what about turning on debugging using that way?
>> Ed