IMPORTANT: Change in Milestone 3 freeze date for GlassFish V2/9.1

From: Dhiru Pandey <Dhiru.Pandey_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2006 16:37:23 -0700

Hello All,

Thanks to everyone who provided input on the feature freeze date for
GlassFish V2/9.1 Milestone 3 (MS3).

Based on all the feedback that we got, we have decided to change the
GlassFish V2/9.1 MS3 feature freeze date from 10/31/2006 to 11/14/2006
To reiterate the MS3 feature freeze date is *11/14/2006. *Please visit
the GlassFish Wiki link
<> for
information on Milestones.

Module leads/implementors please ensure that the all new features
integrated and checked in, should be working by MS3 and of high quality.
We would like to minimize bugs introduced by new feature checkins, since
the time between MS3 feature freeze (11/14/06) and MS3 completion
(12/11/06) dates is not much (little over 3 weeks).

We will be sending out another e-mail regarding the exit criteria for
bugs with respect to MS3 completion soon.

- Dhiru & Sridatta


Hello All,

We are approaching our deadline (*10/4/2006*) for deciding the Milestone
3 (MS3) freeze date and exit criteria.
Please provide us input/feedback on our proposal by updating the wiki

This will help us in having a realistic feature freeze date and bug
criteria for MS3.

Thanks in advance,

GlassFish v2/Appserver 9.1 Developers,


Thanks again for significant progress made in Milestone2. We are
starting to work on Milestone 3 (MS3). The beta release (of both GF v2
and SDK) is scheduled for Jan 15, 2007. The beta date is a slight change
from the original proposal of Dec 11 and this change helps align with
SDK release. The milestone page
<> has been
updated to reflect this change. FCS is still targeted for Apr 07. Here
is a summary of remaining milestones and proposed criteria:

    * MS3 Freeze (Feature complete) is Oct 31, 2006
          o Criteria: All Features completed
          o All JSR MRs filed and changes implemented
    * MS3 completion is Dec 11, 2006
          o No P1s.
          o Max 2 P2s per module (combined bugster dashboard
            and issue tracker dashboard
          o All P3/S1 bugster bugs
            need to be fixed
          o Forward port all 8.2 bugs <http://monaco.sfbay/url/8t0>
          o P3s per module cannot exceed a max number. (Tell us what
            this should be for your module. You will need to resolve all
            P3s by FCS in any case. So, a higher cap means more bugs
            towards the end and is more risky)
    * Beta Release is Jan 15 2007
          o Bug Criteria: No P1, No P2
    * FCS is Apr 07
          o Bug Criteria: No P1s, No P2s, No P3s (and no unevaluated S1s
            in bugster)

To have a realistic feature freeze date and bug criteria, we would like
to seek input from all of you. So, please provide input on the following
by updating the wiki page

    * Will you be able to complete your features by Oct 31? If not, when
      will it be done? Please mention performance changes separately.
    * Will you be able to meet proposed bug criteria
      If not, what is a realistic goal for Dec 11?
    * Provide a max number for P3s (bugster and issuetracker combined)
      for your module (for module leads).

*Please update the wiki page
with your input before 10/4.*
(Do not reply to this mail with your input)

-Sridatta, Dhiru, Carla.