Re: Compiling Glassfish in Eclipse

From: Markus KARG <>
Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2006 19:39:09 +0200


Tom Ware wrote:
> I appologize, I must admit to not knowing much about MaxDB. The
> reason I suggested that is that I found MaxDB on the following page:
> On that page, and the pages that link from it, it seems that MySQL
> and MaxDB are quite similar. I guess that is not true.
MySQL was developed by MySQL company. It is a SQL engine based upon BDB
(and other) backends. It is actively maintained and sold by MySQL company.

MaxDB was developed by Nixdorf, later by Software AG, later by SAP AG.
SAP currently is maintaining it (actually it is open source), while
MySQL company is selling licences and support offers.
