configure-runtime errors

From: Priti Tiwary <>
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 16:15:53 -0700

Hi ,
My maven configure-runtime fails with domain already exists error and
when i try to list it , there is no domain.
I had done maven clobber (bootstrap-all then maven build) to get rid of
corrupted image and still encountering the same spurious error message.

output from maven clobber

  [exec] Domain domain1 already exists in
$workspace/publish/glassfish/domains. Use a different domain name or the
--domaindir option.
    [exec] CLI130 Could not create domain, domain1

File...... $workspace/glassfish/bootstrap/maven.xml
Element... ant:ant
Line...... 385
Column.... 76
exec returned: 1
Total time: 10 seconds
Finished at: Thu Oct 05 15:03:32 PDT 2006

ptiwary% asadmin list-domains
CLI141 No Domains to list.
Command list-domains executed successfully.
