Hi Markus,
Did you rebuild the entity-persistence-tests after setting the
toplink.logging.level to FINER in persistence.xml? If the logging level
is set, I expect to see quite a bit more information in your
testresults.txt file. Some of the previous versions you have sent have
included that information. Can you give it another try?
Markus KARG wrote:
>>We are definitely requiring more than strict JDBC support. The reason
>>is that EJB 3.0 has some features that benefit quite a bit from some
>>JDBC extensions that are quite common (but perhaps not strictly required)
>>1. DDL Generation is an optional feature in EJB 3.0. Quite a few of
>>the issues you are seeing are related to this issue. In our
>>experience, this is one of the areas that JDBC implementations vary
>>the most. The issues you are seeing with native sequencing and with
>>constraint creation are related to this issue. Despite the lower
>>compatibility between JDBC providers for DDL generation related
>>issues, it is very desirable feature for developers who want to get
>>started quickly. (Unfortunately, it is a bit less desirable for
>>people that want to add DatabasePlatforms)
>>2. The JPA Query Language allows some syntax in Delete queries that
>>does not translate directly to SQL. An example of this is any delete
>>query that uses multiple tables. We have chosen two ways of
>>implementing this support. By default we do the subselect you
>>originally saw issues with in your "Wayne Problem". We have also
>>enabled the use of temporary tables to avoid the issues you were
>>seeing. Implementation of these two features is not consistent
>>accross JDBC implementations. Although this is not necessarily
>>standard from the JDBC point of view, we believe the way we have
>>implemented this feature is fairly standard throughout JPA
>>implementations. With enough demand, we could investigate other ways
>>of doing this.
>>I have talked to my management about the difficulty in extending our
>>DatabasePlatform repertoire for members of the community and we think
>>we need to change our test framework to have 3 parts. 1. A Basic test
>>suite that uses only standard JDBC. 2. An extended test suite that
>>runs all of JPA except for DDL generation. 3. A test suite that makes
>>use of JDBC. With these 3 granularities, it would be possible to get
>>basic support running quickly, then identify what parts of the
>>extended functionality are difficult for your database. Finally,
>>since DDL generation is an extended feature it would be possible to
>>decide on a case-by-case basis whether you wanted support for DDL
>>generation in your database and perhaps check-in code without that
>>support. Unfortuantely, this work is probably somewhatlonger term
>>than will immediately help you.
>Thank you for this insight into the deeper sense of all that. In fact it
>helped me understand why the platform is such complex.
>More inlined.
>>>(1) "The Wayne Problem"
>>The removal of the table after the transaction ends sounds more like
>>what we have termed: Local Temporary Tables. Perhaps there's a
>>terminology issue there. Nonehtheless, we do support a second
>>temporary table generation strategy. That strategy is implemented by
>>SybasePlatform. Instead of overriding supportsGlobalTemporaryTables()
>>it overrides supportsLocalTemporaryTables() . It also implements some
>>slightly different methods for tempory table creation.
>>(getCreateTempTableSqlPrefix, getTempTableForTable,
>>writeUpdateOriginalFromTempTableSql) Perhaps that will help.
>Yes, it was a terminology problem: Originally I am coming from the
>Sybase ASA world, where global and local temporary tables are working
>quite different: They are created once statically, but at COMMIT they
>are losing their content. MaxDB is working more the way that you
>described, which I did not know when starting my platform. I now
>switched to support local instead of global.
>On the other hand, I now have the problem that the tests tell me that
>the temp table is missing:
>Testcase: testRefreshRemoved took 0,05 sec
>entityManager.refresh(removedObject) threw a wrong exception:
>Internal Exception: com.sap.dbtech.jdbc.exceptions.DatabaseException:
>[-4004] (at 13): Unknown table name:$CMP3_EMPLOYEEError Code: -4004
>CMP3_EMPLOYEE t0, CMP3_SALARY t1 WHERE ((t0.F_NAME = 'testRefreshRemoved'
>) AND (t1.EMP_ID = t0.EMP_ID))
>I did not find the reason actually. The name seems correct: I am putting
>a $ prefix in front of the table name when I want to address a temporary
>table. Also I am using the TEMP namespace. It seems that the tests
>either "forgot" to create the temporary table, or GF is unaware of the
>fact that MaxDB works this way:
>- Created table can only be seen inside of the same connection.
>- Created table automatically gets DROPped (not DELETEd) at end of
>I have correctly set support for local=true, global=false.
>>>- GF tests seem not to use the "Temporary Table Solution" correctly
>>>every time, since I still find failing SQL UPDATE commands showing "The
>>>Wayne Problem", while not seeing any temporary table names in that SQL
>>>in testresults.txt (you can identify them easily since I have told my
>>>platform to add a leading $ prefix to the TEMP tables -- no $, no TEMP).
>>Can you point me more specifically at the issues you are seeing. My
>>search of your document does not find "UPDATE".
>It did not happen anymore, but instead I found that one:
>Testcase: test_null took 1,24 sec
> Caused an ERROR
>Internal Exception: com.sap.dbtech.jdbc.exceptions.DatabaseException:
>[-7008]: Updates of this table not allowedError Code: -7008
>IN ('C', 'IC', 'SC')) AND t1.ID = CMP3_FUEL_VEH.ID)
>Actually "the wayne problem" happens less now, but still it happens. As
>you can see above, the tests still create SOME but not all SQL that is
>using DELETE together with subselect. So it seems, either the tests of
>GF is not taking care of whether it might do that in ALL places. Also
>"test_null" seems to be an odd name...?
>>>(2) Unknown Sequence Name: PROJECT_SEQ, ADDRESS_SEQ, BUYER_SEQ,
>>>Still it seems GF test are not issuing the needed CREATE SEQUENCE
>>It looks like there must still be an issue with the ddl generation
>>phase of things. This may require looking at the logging with the
>>logging level set to FINER. I expect we will see an error logged. If
>>you want to send a version of your output file with logging turned on,
>>I can take a look.
>I have set from OFF to FINER in the "persistence.xml" file in -tests.
>But I did neither find the "CREATE SEQUENCE" SQL commands -- neither in
>the .jdbc files, nor in testresults.txt (see attached files).
>Maybe you expect me to send another file, so please tell me which one.
>>>(5) Data types must be compatible:CUSTOMER_CUST_ID
>>>It seems that some tests are assuming data types to be compatible that
>>>in fact are not on MaxDB:
>>>Testcase: testgetReference took 0,067 sec
>>>[-8006] (at 97): Data types must be compatible:CUSTOMER_CUST_ID
>>>Testcase: unknown took 0 sec
>>>[-8006] (at 104): Data types must be compatible:PARTSLIST_ID
>>What are the types in the generated tables? I am surprised they are
>>not the same. Note: These tables are generated by the DDL generation
>>feature. I can take a look at this issue too if you sent your output
>>file with FINER logging.
>See attached files.
>>>(6) Referential constraint not allowed
>>>Testcase: unknown took 0 sec
>>>[-7040]: Referential constraint not allowed
>>I am a bit surprised we are creating this constraint. I will
>>investigate a bit further and let you know what I come up with.
>Once I typed in the fix for the bug you found in the tests, it worked
>well. Please check in your fix, it solves the problem. :-)
>Thanks for your kind help.
>I would be lost without.