Re: Problems running trunk on Glassfish

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 11:24:07 -0700

Hi Henry,

OK, I've figured out what's going on.

The good news is that you will not have to change the location
of roller.tld in roller.war.

Our JSP container does the right thing: It scans WEB-INF and *any* of
its subdirs (recursively), including WEB-INF/classes and WEB-INF/lib,
for .tld resources, which means that:


should be (and used to be!) found.

However, with my optimization for:
  ("Make it possible for servlet and JSP containers to share TLD

the Servlet and JSP containers now share TLD uri-to-location mappings
(they each used to create these mappings independently, which resulted in

The fix for GlassFish Issue 747 has the Servlet container populate
TLD uri-to-location mappings as it parses TLD files for servlet context
listeners, and communicate this mapping (as a context attribute) to the
JSP container, so the JSP container does not have to recreate this mapping
table. Unfortunately, the Servlet container has always excluded
WEB-INF/classes and WEB-INF/lib from its search list for TLD resources!

I am going to file a GlassFish issue agains the Servlet container and will
add you to the issue's interest list.

Thanks for your patience!
