Re: Issues with entity-persistence-tests on MaxDB

From: Tom Ware <>
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 13:57:47 -0400

Hi Markus,

  I got your original email. I was hoping you could send me a jar with
the changes you have already made. I will verify the changes and check
them in.

Thanks in advance,

Markus KARG wrote:

>as I wrote in one of my past emails, I needed to change the following
>identifiers since they are longer than MaxDB allows:
>MaxDB only supports identifiers not longer than 32 characters, but the
>following two identifiers are longer: FK_CMP3_EMP_PROJ_EMPLOYEES_EMP_ID
>and FK_CMP3_EMP_PROJ_PROJECTS_PROJ_ID. I worked around by renaming
>wherever I found that in entity-persistence-tests. Actually this seems
>to work. I hope that you will incorporate that fixes into cvs trunk,
>since it took me long time to find out. Actually I wonder how you made
>the tests run on Informix, since I know that (at least some old Informix
>versions) had a similar restriction, too (but maybe it was larger than
>32 characters).
>Thanks for checking it in to CVS HEAD.
>Tom Ware wrote:
>>Hi Markus,
>> Could you please send me the changes you made to solve the issue with
>>the table names that were too long for MaxDB. I will incorporate
>>those changes the next time I do a check-in.
>> Additional comments inline:
>>Markus KARG wrote:
>>>I have applied all the tips I received and now am stuck with some
>>>problems that I hope you can clarify. Since you might need some insight
>>>into the stack traces, I have attached the testresults.txt file.
>>>Here are my newly detected problems. I hope you might know a solution
>>>for. :-)
>>>(1) As you know, my laptop is idle most of the time when running the
>>>tests. As you told I have enabled a more detailed level of logging.
>>>Would be great if you could have a look at the attached testresults.txt
>>>file to find out why my machine's power is not used. I was a bit scared
>>>by the fact that indeed the test is suspended. I expected lots of lines
>>>pass before my eyes, but indeed two times it stops for long time!
>>>I noticed that it spent long time with doing nothing (no CPU / HD
>>>activity, no RAM usage) after printing these lines:
>>> [junit] [TopLink Finer]:
>>>ServerSession(9047389)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--client acquired
>>> [junit] [TopLink Finer]:
>>> [junit] [TopLink Fine]:
>>>CMP3_SALARY t1 WHERE ((t0.F_NAME = ?) AND (t1.EMP_ID = t0.EMP_ID)) AND
>>> [junit] bind => [testRemoveFlushPersistContains]
>>There are a number of places in the tests, when a query of this type
>>runs. (A DELETE with this subquery). Are you just seeing it hang
>>once, when the bind paramter is "testRemoveFlushPersistContains", or
>>does it hang every time this type of SQL runs?
>>I am wondering if this issue is related to the "Wayne Problem"
>>referred to below. I see the SQL: t0.EMP_ID =
>>CMP3_EMP_PROJ.EMPLS_EMP_ID, which I believe is an incarnation of this
>>>Also the system was idle a long time after writing that lines:
>>> [junit] [TopLink Finer]:
>>>ServerSession(19171705)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--client acquired
>>> [junit] [TopLink Finer]:
>>>ClientSession(10967412)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--acquire unit of
>>>work: 19697685
>>> [junit] [TopLink Finer]:
>>> [junit] [TopLink Fine]:
>>> [junit] [TopLink Fine]:
>>> [junit] [TopLink Fine]:
>>> [junit] [TopLink Fine]:
>>> [junit] [TopLink Fine]:
>>>I dropped the database, restarted my laptop, setup a new (clean)
>>>database and run the test once more (which goes 46 Minutes, by the way,
>>>about 40 of them doing nothing). It's reproducible. Always these two
>>>steps are hanging.
>>>I have no clue why it hangs, actually, and why it "somehow magically"
>>>continues some minutes later. I thought it is some kind of database
>>>deadlock, but in fact, it should be exactly the same time in both cases.
>>>But it seems, the second hang is much, much longer than the first one.
>>I am afraid I do not have a good idea why this is hanging on MaxDB
>>(aside from my comment above). On my local Oracle run there is no
>>perceptable slow down around those lines. I'll try to do a Derby run
>>later to see if I see anything. Is there a chance that either MaxDB
>>or the JDBC driver is having trouble with running these lines?
>>>(2) Unknown SQL objects
>>>[-4005] (at 116): Unknown column name:PROJECTS_PROJ_ID
>>>[-4020] (at 8): Unknown sequence name:PROJECT_SEQ
>>>[-4020] (at 8): Unknown sequence name:ADDRESS_SEQ
>>>[-4020] (at 8): Unknown sequence name:BUYER_SEQ
>>>As you know, I had to rename some tables and this might be a follow-up,
>>>but I am not sure. So it would be great if you could commit the needed
>>>changes to cvs HEAD and let me know when done, so I will remove my own
>>>(maybe buggy) changes and use the cvs HEAD then.
>>Just send your changes and I'll do my best to get them in soon.
>>>On the other hand, some of those names I never touched (e. g.
>>>"PROJECT_SEQ", "ADDRESS_SEQ" and "BUYER_SEQ"), so this cannot be the
>>>sole cause of the problems. I think that there are more bugs in the
>>>tests, especially the "Unkown sequence name" seems to point out missing
>>>CREATE SEQUENCE commands. In fact I did not find code that creates those
>>>sequences in the test cases (maybe I missed it). What do you think?
>>These sequence tables should be created at test startup by the ddl
>>generation feature. The persistence.xml property: <property
>>name="toplink.ddl-generation" value="drop-and-create-tables"/> enables
>>I see the following error while the ddl generation seems to be
>>executing. Perhaps this error is getting in the way of the successful
>>completion of the DDL generation:
>>[TopLink Warning]:
>>[TOPLINK-4002] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 9.1 (Build
>>Internal Exception:
>>[-3002] (at 219): Invalid datatypeError Code: -3002
>>If we can narrow the issue down to this error, perhaps we can add a
>>way to get more explicit errors is the DDL generation part of the test
>>>(3) "The Wayne Problem"
>>>As I wrote before, Wayne's solution was correct. Would be great if you
>>>could commit the fix for the "Waybe Problem" into the cvs HEAD, since I
>>>do not know how to workaround it. Since I got a lot of those [-4005] (at
>>>116): Unknown column name:PROJECTS_PROJ_ID messages as you can see in
>>>the attached file, this is really a blocker -- I have to skip lots of
>>>those errors in the testresults.txt file to find my actual test
>>I have entered the following Defect in the GlassFish Issue tracker:
>>I have marked in at a priority level that should put it close to the
>>top of the stack of issues to be fixed.
>>>(4) Don't use comments but syntax
>>>As Martin FOWLER pointed out in his great reference manual on
>>>refactoring, whenever possible syntax constraints should be used instead
>>>of constraints in comments. In the case of this
>>>should be applied:
>>>* ...
>>>* Don't override this method.
>>>* ...
>>>public boolean supportsTempTables() {...}
>>>should be changed to
>>>public final boolean supportsTempTable() {... }
>>>to enforce the constraint of not overriding the method (either it might
>>>be overridden, or it shall not be overriden -- always be concise in your
>>>code). Certainly this not only applies to this single place but to all
>>>methods commented with "Don't override".
>>Please feel free to enter an ENHANCEMENT in the GlassFish Issue tracker.
>>>I could imagine that it is more clear to see where I need to spent more
>>>time once I get tests from you and Marina that already contain fixes for
>>>"The Wayne Problem" and for "The inactive transaction problem" (Marina
>>>knows about). Maybe some of my problems are follow-ups of those and will
>>>be gone once you and Marina contributed your fixes.
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