Re: default commands for cluster, default to the wrong port (4849)

From: Dhiru Pandey <Dhiru.Pandey_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2006 19:00:07 -0700


What was decided was to keep 4848 for GlassFish cluster mode (and single
instance mode) and 4849 for EE to retain backward compatibility.
Some of this would be subsumed by the profile work that Kedar has started


Nazrul Islam wrote:

> Dinesh,
> I have looked at issue 992
> <>. I don't
> understand how you propose to switch to port 4848 for EE.
> Please note that AS 8.x already shipped with port 4849 as default. If
> we change the defaults in asadmin, it will not be backward compatible.
> From user experience perspective, we do not like incompatible changes.
> If we don't switch to port 4849 and stick with port 4848, user will
> have to use --port 4848 in the asadmin CLIs or remember to use
> "AS_ADMIN_PORT=4848; export AS_ADMIN_PORT" at the beginning. None of
> these seem to be desirable. This seems to lead to more confusion as
> described bellow and in issue 992.
>Nazrul Islam - (408) 276-6468 - Sun Microsystems, Inc.
> Dinesh Patil wrote:
>> Harpreet Singh wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I checked out a new workspace and ran the maven configure-cluster
>>> command.
>>> It created the DAS at 4848. But commands like create-node-agent
>>> default to port 4849.
>>> I have to manually change domain.xml to change from 4848 to 4849 or
>>> start specifying the port on all cluster commands.
>>> Is there a plan to address this - or should I file an issue?
>> There is a issue created for this..
>> We will be using 4848 by default, CLI, DAS changes will be done to
>> address this.
>> thanks
>> Dinesh
>>> Thanks
>>> Harpreet