Dinesh Patil wrote:
> Bill Shannon wrote:
>> A week ago I had everything working, I was able to run the quicklook
>> tests (with some known failures) and I was ready to commit some
>> changes. Then I got called away for a week and I'm back to pick
>> up where I left off. But I decided I better update everything and
>> run the tests again.
>> I did a "maven bootstrap-all" and a bunch of "cvs update"s to
>> make sure I was in sync. It builds fine but when I do "maven runtest"
>> I get
> I hope you did "maven clobber bootstrap-all" so that there are no
> multiple manifests are present (if you have the build log saved you can
> see some message while updating jar file). Did you update
> "glassfish/bootstrap" module? since there are some binary component
> versions also changed e.g. JAX*, WS* binary versions changed..
I didn't do the clobber. Is that always necessary before bootstrap-all?
If so, shouldn't bootstrap-all just do it? I never know when it's
necessary to clobber and when it's a waste of time...
I did "cvs update" the bootstrap and appserv-tests modules. Those,
plus mail and activation, are the only modules I have checked out.
> So to sync up the workspace to latest one, you can try following steps:
> -Do cvs update on glassfish/bootstrap and glassfish/appserv-tests modules.
> -run following command to get latest sources and build it from
> glassfish/bootstrap directory.
> % maven clean clobber
> % maven checkout bootstrap-all build configure-runtime
> % cd appserv-tests; maven runtest
I did everything except the checkout (I already have all the source I want).
I get:
[echo] ------------------------------
[echo] - Building GlassFish EE modules -
[echo] ------------------------------
[copy] Copying 1 file to /cache/tmp/glassfish/publish/glassfish
[mkdir] Created dir: /cache/tmp/glassfish/publish/glassfish/bin
[echo] Current Java Version 1.5.0_07
File...... /cache/tmp/glassfish/glassfish/bootstrap/maven.xml
Element... ant:ant
Line...... 384
Column.... 76
Warning: Could not find file
to copy.
Now what did I do wrong?
Can I avoid building any "EE" stuff?