Re: glassfish corba support for EJB 3.0

From: Ken Cavanaugh <Ken.Cavanaugh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 11:50:21 -0700

On Fri, 2006-09-08 at 10:27 -0500, OKeeffe, Michael K wrote:
> Kevin,
> Hopefully I didn't get anything incorrect in this post, there are no
> naming service issues with EJBs and CORBA (orbd)? It seems simpler,
> in 3.0, if anything, to me...
> -Mike

Thanks, your post is basically correct. I do have a few comments:

      * As Ken Saks has explained in this thread (the discussion with
        Gili (cowwoc)), there is no interop requirement for EJB 3 in the
        spec, since that is covered by EJB 2.x. That said, an EJB 3
        implementation uses the basic RMI-IIOP protocol (and possibly
        others like RMI-JRMP or T3) and the usual CosNaming INS
        standard. I am not an export on EJB3, so I'll leave any further
        discussion on this topic to Ken Saks, who is heavily involved
        with both the EJB3 spec and the Sun implementation.
      * Much (but not quite all) of dynamic RMI-IIOP is in the JDK 5
        ORB. We build both the JDK and the GlassFish/App Server ORBs
        from the same code base, but due to the long lead times for the
        JDK, the JDK ORB is usually at least 1 year behind where we are
        in the app server. Unfortunately, we have not been able to find
        time to sync up the latest ORB version with the JDK 6 codebase,
        so JDK 6 has basically the same ORB as in JDK 5 (with a few
        additional bug fixes).
      * We've had an NIO-based transport in the ORB since the JDK 1.4
        days. There is a team at Sun working on enhancing Jean-Francois'
        work in Grizzly so that a new version of the core Grizzly
        transport can be used from the ORB (as well as a number of other
        projects). Jean-Francois will probably blogging more about the
        changes coming to Grizzly soon (his blog is at ).
      * The code gen improvements are already done. Starting from the
        EJB 3 business "POJO" interface, we dynamically generate the
        remote interface, a bridge class that adapts the business
        interface to the remote interface, and the RMI-IIOP stub at
        runtime (no static compiler anywhere) using either BCEL
        (currently for the RMI-IIOP stubs) or a library (codegen) built
        on top of ASM. Of course, this is one of the problems with
        standalone access to an EJB 3 object: you don't even normally
        have the remote interface available at the client end. Using the
        appserv-rt.jar for the app client solves this problem, but as
        others have discussed in this thread, that's a rather large (16
        MB) jar file, and this can be too much to deploy widely (I
        wonder just what examples people have in mind for deploying
        remote access to EJBs? e.g. how many clients, what
        bandwidth/memory limitations in the clients?) I have discussed
        this with some other GlassFIsh engineers, and I think there is
        agreement within the GlassFish project that we should
        investigate creating a light-weight client side jar file that
        applications can use for remote EJB 3 access.
      * At what level to handle failover and load balancing (FOLB) is an
        interesting discussion. If everything is stateless, it probably
        makes sense to simply handle this at the TCP/IP level. That's
        certainly what a lot of customers do for handling HTTP traffic,
        and it scales very well. It's harder to do this for IIOP, but
        not impossible: we have in fact done some special support for
        one particular customer in this area. Basically, we need to:
              * Support the use of IIOP without connection caching, so
                that each TCP connection is used for a single GIOP
                request and response (much like HTTP 1.0). This allows
                an external load balancing appliance to make a load
                balancing decision on each incoming request.
              * Support an ORB configuration that listens on one
                particular port (or ports), while creating IORs that
                contain the address of the load balancer.
        It turns out that both of these changes can be accomplished
        through our proprietary ORB SPI, without changing any of the ORB
        code. We do plan to investigate better packaging and
        productization for IIOP HW FOLB at some point, but limited
        resources prevent us from addressing this in AS 9.1/GlassFish
        SW FOLB is a different story. It's already fully supported in
        AS 9/GlassFish. There are some things that we can do with SW
        FOLB that can't readily be done with a HW load balancer. This
        mainly revolves around stateful requests. One of the features
        in this area is session stickiness: when a session fails over to
        a new node in a cluster, we make sure that all requests to all
        objects in the session failover together to the same (new) node
        when a node fails. Eventually we may be able to take advantage
        of application-level information to improve load balancing
        performance (but today we just use a simple round-robin load
        balancer on new initial naming context creation).
        AS 9 also supports dynamic cluster membership changes: you can
        add or remove nodes to a cluster while it is under full load,
        and we will seamlessly update all of the remote EJB references
        without causing any visible failures to the applications. This
        works with all types of EJBs.
